Brooklyn Bridge Sunset — NYC PHOTO TOUR

Lower Manhattan / Brooklyn Bridge Photo Sunset Tour

Images of the Lower Manhattan Skyline at sunset can be breathtaking. This photography tour aims at catching that beauty. I will guide you, just as the sun starts setting, from pier 11 on Wall Street across the East River via ferry to Fulton Landing.  Photographers call this time of day, “the golden hour.”  We then tour Brooklyn Bridge Park and Dumbo, as we strategically set up our shots for the magical lighting provided by the sun’s descent. The tour will culminate with a walk back over the Brooklyn Bridge to Lower Manhattan. This provides still more photo opportunities as natural light bows to New York’s glowing electricity, glittering in the early evening sky. Learn a bit about Lower Manhattan skyline and the history that has connected Brooklyn and Manhattan for over 400 years as you hone your photographic skills.


This tour is available only as a private tour for this season. 

The tour starts at Pier 11 at the end of Wall Street,  15 minutes before we catch a East River ferry to Dumbo. The time we meet will depend on the ferry schedule and the time of the evening sunset. We will then tour Brooklyn Bridge Park and Dumbo as we strategically set up our shots for the sun's descent. After sun set we will walk the mile back to Manhattan on the Brooklyn Bridge.

Duration:  approximately 3 hours and 2 miles in length.

Group size limited to 12

Price $350 plus a $4 ferry ride to Brooklyn


I suggest if you are booking as a group to keep the number below 12. For larger groups it best to book another guide which I can provide. Message me in the link below and we can talk about it. 

For availability and bookings